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Ines Haug Email Icon

Scientific Consultant
Data Analyst

Ines Haug (M.Sc. Economics) has been working as a scientific consultant for M-Five GmbH Mobility, Futures, Innovation, Economics in Karlsruhe since May 2021.  Previously, she completed her master’s degree in Economics at the University of Hohenheim with a focus on public economics and econometrics, as well as her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration. During her studies, Ines already gained practical experience in the fields of climate policy, future transportation and data analysis.

Main areas of work:

  • Transformation of the automotive industry
  • Macroeconomic analyses


  • Scientific Support for the Expert Advisory Board on Climate Protection in Mobility (EKM) Icon
  • Content maintenance and processing of the subject area “Future-proof and sustainable transport system” in the Forschungs-Informations-System (FIS) for mobility and transport Icon
  • Munich Mobility Research Campus (MORE) Icon
  • Scientific support and advice to the German Mobility and Fuels Strategy (MFS) (Phase III, 2020 – 2023) Icon
  • Analysis and scenarios of transport and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic Icon
  • Battery Study 2021: Analysis of battery value chains in Europe and of European OEM Icon


Policy and Futures NOtes (non commissioned):


Current publications:


Special skills

  • Sustainability enthusiast
  • The-world-on-foot-explorer
  • Future technology fan