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Dr. Wolfgang Schade Email Icon

Scientific Director
Economist, PhD

Wolfgang Schade, Dr. rer. Pol, has been scientific director, founder and managing director of M-Five GmbH Mobility, Futures, Innovation, Economics in Karlsruhe since May 2015. He has been visiting professor for European policy analysis at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, for the three academic years from 2015 to 2018.

Wolfgang Schade studied industrial engineering with a specialization in traffic engineering as well as urban development and regional planning at the University of Karlsruhe (now KIT), after which he completed his doctorate as an economist on the macroeconomic effects of European transport policy at the Institute for Economic Policy and Economic Research (IWW), also at KIT.

From 1997 to 2004 Wolfgang researched and lectured at KIT in the field of economic evaluation and sustainable transport policy. He worked on research projects in sustainable mobility on behalf of the OECD and the Federal Environment Agency (EST, Environmentally Sustainable Transport). In 2001 he was temporarily delegated to the European Commission, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) in Seville, as a national expert. There he was involved in technology foresight and employment studies for the target year 2020.

From 2008 to the beginning of 2015 Wolfgang was head of the business unit Transportation Systems at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI) in Karlsruhe, where he had already been researching as a scientist and project manager since 2005. He coordinated several projects on energy transformation in transport (e.g. TRIAS, iTREN-2030) and European climate policy in transport (e.g. GHG-TransPoRD) and was deeply involved in the development and evaluation of the EU climate strategy for the climate summit in Copenhagen (e.g. ADAM, MATISSE).

He focuses on transport policy, innovation systems of the different transport modes, qualitative and quantitative scenarios of future mobility and for climate protection, macroeconomic analyses as well as strategy consulting for policy makers and companies. In recent years he has managed and worked on numerous projects on these topics for national ministries, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the German Bundestag, as well as for companies and associations in the mobility sector. Since 2015, he has been one of the coordinators of the scientific support to the Federal Government’s Mobility and Fuel Strategy (MKS) and is responsible for the strategic and holistic analyses in the MKS consortium.


Main areas of work:

  • Climate policy and transport
  • Scenarios of future mobility and social development
  • Innovation and technology diffusion
  • Macroeconomic analyses
  • New mobility services
  • Transformation of the automotive industry
  • Strategy analysis and consulting



  • Scientific Support for the Expert Advisory Board on Climate Protection in Mobility (EKM) Icon
  • Contentmaintenance and processing of the subject area “Future-proof and sustainable transport system” in the Forschungs-Informations-System (FIS) for mobility and transport Icon
  • Digital Mobility Platforms – Regulatory Framework for a Socio-Ecological Design of the Platform Economy in Transport Icon
  • cientific support and advice to the German Mobility and Fuels Strategy (MFS) (Phase III, 2020 – 2023) Icon
  • Scientific support to the working group Transport and Climate Change of the National Platform Future of Mobility (NPM) Icon
  • Scientific advice on the German Mobility and Fuels Strategy (MKS) Icon
  • Employment impacts of sustainable mobility: a holistic analysis of Germany for 2035 Icon
  • Support study on the climate adaptation and cross-border investment needs to realise the TEN-T network Icon
  • Impact assessment support study addressing market challenges for the development of multimodal digital mobility services (MDMS) in Europe Icon
  • Study on exploring the possible employment implications of connected and automated driving (CAD) Icon

The list shows a selection of projects.



Policy and Futures Notes (non commissioned)


Current publications of research reports (selection): 


Publications in scientific journals (selection): 

  • Hartwig J., Kockat J., Schade W., Braungart S. (2017) „The macroeconomic effects of ambitious energy efficiency policy in Germany – Combining bottom-up energy modelling with a non-equilibrium macroeconomic model.“ In: Energy, vol. 124, pp. 510-520.
  • Duscha V., Fougeyrollas A., Nathani C., Pfaffa M., Ragwitz M., Resch G., Schade W., Breitschopf B., Walz R. (2016) „Renewable energy deployment in Europe up to 2030 and the aim of a triple dividend.“ In: Energy Policy, vol. 95, pp. 314-323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2016.05.011.
  • Schade W. (2016) „Comparison of innovation systems of different transport modes and the need for public intervention.“ In: Transportation Research Procedia, vol 14 (2016) 4105 – 4112. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.508.
  • Jochem P., Rothengatter W., Schade W. (2016): „Climate Change and Transport“. In. Transportation research / D, 45, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2016.03.001.
  • Peters A., Schade W. (2014): „Verstehen und fördern: Die Psychologie des nachhaltigen Verkehrsverhaltens.“ In: Postfossile Mobilität: Zukunftstauglich und vernetzt unterwegs, Politische Ökologie, 137, 107 – 113.
  • Köhler J., Schade W., Leduc G., Wiesenthal W., Schade B., Tercero L. (2012): „Leaving fossil fuels behind? An innovation system analysis of low carbon cars.” In: Journal of Cleaner Production, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.09.042 .
  • Köhler J, Wietschel M, Withmarsh L, Keles D, Schade W (2010): “Infrastructure investment for a transition to hydrogen automobiles.” In: Technological Forecasting & Social Change, vol. 77, no. 8, pp S. 1237-1248.
  • Walz R., Schade W., Doll C. (2007): “Interaction of EU Transportation Policy and Climate Policy”. In: Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy, vol. 2, no. 2, Kiel, pp. 90-95.
  • Schade B, Schade W (2005): „Evaluating Economic Feasibility and Technical Progress of Environmentally Sustainable Transport Scenarios by a Backcasting Approach with ESCOT”. In: Transport Reviews, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 647-668.
  • Schade W (2003): „Noise: a challenge for sustainable mobility“. In: UNESCO International Social Science Journal – Special Issue on Sustainable Mobility: Challenges, Opportunities and Conflicts – A Social Science Perspective. No. 176, ISSN 0020-8701, pp.279-294.
  • Schade W, Rothengatter W (2003): „Improving the Assessment of Transport Policies by Dynamic Cost-Benefit-Analysis“. In: Transportation Research Record Series, No. 1839, ISSN 0361-1981, Washington D.C, pp.107-114.


Selected publications of essays in scientific literature: 

  • Schade W., Kley F., Köhler J., Peters A. (2013): “Contextual requirements for electric vehicles in developed and developing countries: the example of China”. In: Mackett R., May A., Kii M., Pan H. (Eds.) Sustainable Transport for Chinese Cities, Emerald, Bingley.
  • Schade W. (2011): “Transport in the Past and Current Climate Policy Regime“. In: Rothengatter, W. (Eds.) u.a.: Transport Moving to Climate Intelligence : New Chances for Controlling Climate Impacts of Transport after the Economic Crisis. New York (u.a.) : Springer Science+Business Media, 2011, S. 29-40.
  • Krail M, Schade W. (2011): “Technological Potential for CO2 Emission Reductions of Passenger Cars. In: Rothengatter W. (Eds.) u.a.: Transport Moving to Climate Intelligence: New Chances for Controlling Climate Impacts of Transport after the Economic Crisis. New York (u.a.) : Springer Science+Business Media, 2011, S. 271-290.
  • Knopf B, Edenhofer O, Barker T, Bauer N, Baumstark L, Chateau B, Criqui P, Held A, Isaac M, Jakob M, Jochem E, Kitous A, Kypreos S, Leimbach M, Magné B, Mima S, Schade W, Scrieciu, Turton H, Vuuren vD (2010): “The economics of low stabilisation: implications for technological change and policy”. In: Hulme M, Neufeldt H (Eds) Making Climate Change Work for US – European Perspectives on Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies, Cambridge University Press, pp. 291-318.
  • Wietschel M, Jokisch S, Boeters S, Schade W, Seydel P (2009): “Macroeconomic impacts of hydrogen”. In: Ball M., Wietschel M. (Eds) The Hydrogen Economy – Opportunities and Challenges, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 529- 562.
  • Schade W (2008): “Impact on resource use and emissions of transport by using renewable energy and hydrogen as transport fuel”. In: Hartard S., Schaffer A., Giegrich J. (Eds) Ressourceneffizienz im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte, Nomos, Baden-Baden.
  • Schade W, Doll C (2005): “Macroeconomic analysis of transport pricing regimes for the EU”. In: Jaszkiewicz A, Kczmarek M, Zak J, Kubiak M (Eds) Advanced OR and AI Methods in Transportation, Publishing House of Poznan University of Technology, ISBN 83-7143-239-5, Poznan.
  • Schade W, Rothengatter W (2004): „Research Issues in Transport Economics: Dynamics, Integration and Indirect Effects”. In: Böhringer C, Lange A. (Eds.) (2005) Applied Research in Environmental Economics. Physica-Verlag, ISBN 3-7908-1587-X, Heidelberg, pp.155-184.


Selected book publications: 

  • Doll C., Rothengatter W., Schade W. (2015): “Results and efficiency of railway infrastructure financing within the EU”. EU-Parlament, Policy Department D, ISBN 978-92-823-8244-8.
  • Schade W., Meija-Dorantes L., Rothengatter W., Meyer-Rühle O., Kritzinger-S. (2014): „Update on Investments in Large TEN-T Projects”. EU-Parlament, Policy Department B, ISBN 978-92-823-6013-2.
  • Schade W., Zanker C., Kühn A., Hettesheimer T. (2014): „Sieben Herausforderungen für die deutsche Automobilindustrie: Strategische Antworten im Spannungsfeld von Globalisierung, Produkt- und Dienstleistungsinnovationen bis 2030“. Edition sigma: Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8360-8140-5.
  • Peters A.; Doll C.; Plötz P.; Sauer A.; Schade W.; Thielmann A.; Wietschel M.; Zanker Ch. (2013): „Konzepte der Elektromobilität – Ihre Bedeutung für Wirtschaft , Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Edition sigma: Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8360-8138-2.
  • Schade W., Senger F., Rothengatter W., Meyer-Rühle O., Brouwer I. (2013): „TEN-T large projects: investments and costs”. EU-Parlament, Policy Department B, ISBN 978-92-823-4078-3.
  • Klug S., Schade W., Kühn A., Kampmann B., Schroten A., Jones S., Blackledge D. (2012): “Integrated urban transport plans and cohesion policy.” EU-Parlament, Policy Department B, Brussels, ISBN 978-92-823-4068-4.
  • Schade W., Rothengatter W. (2011): „Economic aspects of sustainable mobility.“.EU-Parlament Policy Department B. ISBN 978-92-823-3592-5.
  • Rothengatter W., Hayashi Y., Schade W. (Eds.) (2011): “Transport Moving to Climate Intelligence: New Chances for Controlling Climate Impacts of Transport after the Economic Crisis”. New York (u.a.) : Springer Science+Business Media, ISBN 978-1-4419-7642-0.
  • Schade W (2005): „Strategic Sustainability Analysis: Concept and application for the assessment of European Transport Policy”. NOMOS-Verlag, ISBN 3-8329-1248-7, Baden-Baden.
  • Schade B, Rothengatter W, Schade W (2002): „Strategien, Maßnahmen und ökonomische Bewertung einer dauerhaft umweltgerechten Verkehrsentwicklung”. Bericht an die OECD im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, ISBN 3-503-06670-5, Karlsruhe, Berlin.
  • IWW, ifeu, Kessel & Partner, PÖ+U, PTV (1998): „Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Aufstellung umweltorientierter Fernverkehrskonzepte als Beitrag zur Bundesverkehrswegeplanung“. Bericht im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes. Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, ISBN 3-503-04825-1, Karlsruhe, Berlin.

Special skills

  • Vision implementer
  • Outside-the-box-thinking-economist
  • Conscientious questioner
  • Mountain hiking enthusiast