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Working paper

Design of the Reference Scenario for the Mobility and Fuels Strategy for the period 2022 until 2050 (REF-2050)

Authors (M-Five):
Dr. Wolfgang Schade Icon, Daniel Berthold, Cornelia Emmerich Icon, Julian Emmerich Icon, Ines Haug Icon, Dr. Arpita Khanna Icon, Rafael Oehme Icon, Marcel Streif Icon
Other authors:
Philipp Anstett, Dr. Michael Krail, Prof. Dr. Christoph Walther, Dr.-Ing. Volker Waßmuth

The Covid-Pandemics, the Russian-Ukraine war and the resulting energy crisis as well as the European Fit-4-55 package and the strengthened German Climate Law from 2021 have massively changed the framework conditions for transport and climate policy. The scenario REF-2050 takes these changes into account and projects developments of electric mobility, transport demand and GHG of transport in Germany until 2050.